6 Cybersecurity Trends Your Company Should Put To Good Use

Cybersecurity is constantly evolving in this digital age. Sadly, as innovations in security greatly improve, hackers are also becoming more sophisticated to keep up with the trends.

If you want your company to maintain an edge against the competition and ensure the safety of critical business data, knowing the current trends in cybersecurity is important. It’s also crucial to determine which one you should maximize to your advantage to ensure safe and smooth daily operations.

Here are some of the current cybersecurity trends to keep in mind:

1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) has been an important security measure for boosting protection against cyber threats. Simply, it requires several authentication modes before allowing a user access. The extra layer of security helps thwart potential cyber threats since hackers require several pieces of information to gain access. If you want to ensure a head start in boosting your company’s security, it’s time to find IT support in Sacramento capable of catering to your needs.

If you want to maintain good protection in your company, all accounts should be secured with MFA. It’s the ideal approach to lower the risk of unauthorized access significantly. Nowadays, it’s best to utilize app-based authenticators and security keys.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Due to the escalating number of cyber threats, it becomes challenging for cybersecurity professionals to take timely action. In such scenarios, artificial intelligence (AI) enters the picture.

The latest innovations allow machine learning algorithms to function at a whole new level. Generally, it allows for scrutinizing the massive amount of data flowing across networks in real-time to detect potential patterns that may pose a threat. For example, companies utilizing automation and AI can detect and respond to potential data breaches, allowing them to save on a costly ordeal.

Sadly, there’s also a downside to AI. Due to its increasing availability, hackers are also utilizing the technology. Hackers utilize algorithms to pinpoint systems with weak security or likely to hold valuable data. In another scenario, hackers can use AI to generate phishing emails targeting employees.

The role of AI in cybersecurity can have both positive and negative facets. The reason is that hackers and cybersecurity professionals continuously utilize the latest algorithms to their advantage. With the increasing popularity of AI in almost all aspects of this digital age, it’s likely to become an ongoing trend that may benefit your business in the coming years. Consider checking out a reputable security company in Calgary as a good starting point.

3. Mobile Cybersecurity

As remote work is becoming the norm for some companies, it has increased the importance of being mobile. Nowadays, companies utilize various devices, ranging from mobile phones and tablets to remote collaboration tools and public Wi-Fi. Sadly, the convenience of mobile technology brings with it increasing threats. There are numerous security risks with 5G technology.

Some mobile threats to remember include spyware, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, and data loss. The ideal approach to maintaining mobile cybersecurity involves layers of security. The current trend in mobile cybersecurity includes a combination of software and hardware solutions to keep critical business data at all times.

4. Identity And Access Management Tools (IAM)

As more companies allow the work-from-home setup for their employees, it poses a risk to cyber threats. The increasing dependence on in-home networks and devices linked to corporate platforms makes it easy for hackers to infiltrate.

The ideal approach for companies to deal with this issue is to invest in identity and access management tools (IAM). Doing so greatly lessens the risk while allowing a seamless flow of daily operations. Generally, IAM solutions investigate user action, prompt users for additional authentication if necessary, and facilitate secure sign-in procedures.

5. Real-Time Data Monitoring

With the continuous evolution of cyber threats, taking all necessary measures to keep your business data safe is crucial. One way to maintain a secure foothold is with real-time data monitoring.

Real-time data monitoring involves keeping close track of a continuous stream of data. It allows IT professionals to take timely action on potential data breach attempts, lowering the risk of costly ordeals. Furthermore, it enables tracking and cataloging of data over time, allowing for identifying system abnormalities once they happen.

As more businesses prioritize cybersecurity, it may be time to level the protection. Make the most of real-time data monitoring to ensure round-the-clock monitoring of your business data to lower the chances of falling victim to cyber-attacks.

6. Foster A Cybersecurity Awareness Culture

In recent years, a trend that’ll stay is cultivating an awareness of cybersecurity in your company’s culture. Nowadays, cybersecurity should be the main concern of everyone in an organization.

Making an effort to spread awareness of potential threats and implement basic precautions to maintain safety helps lower the risk of cyber-attacks. For example, phishing threats utilize social engineering tactics to trick employees into releasing valuable information or installing malware. Providing your workforce with training focusing on cybersecurity threats can prevent them from falling victim to such schemes.

Final Thoughts

Cybersecurity should always be a priority for businesses in this digital age. One way to keep your solutions current in protecting your company’s critical data is to be aware of the latest cybersecurity trends. Choosing solutions capable of catering to your business needs is crucial. Doing so ensures you have the resilience to keep your business strong against cyber threats.

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